You Will Be Surprised By The Methods Of Treating Insanity Among Arabs And Muslims In The Past

Ibn Sina, methods of treating insanity among Muslims in the past, Abu Bakr Al-Razi, Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Farabi, treatment of insanity in the Umayyad era, hospitals in the era of the Caliphate, treatment with music in the era of the Umayyad Caliphate, Parseman in the era of the Muslim caliphs

Ibn Sina, methods of treating insanity among Muslims in the past, Abu Bakr Al-Razi, Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Farabi, treatment of insanity in the Umayyad era, hospitals in the era of the Caliphate, treatment with music in the era of the Umayyad Caliphate, Parseman in the era of the Muslim caliphs

 The Umayyad Caliph (Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik) was considered the first to establish a hospital to treat insane people in the early days of Islam and the first Arab era.

 Its main headquarters was in Damascus (about 770 AD), but it was also ordered to pay sick salaries, free treatment and isolation until they recovered.

In fact, this type of hospital, although it was initially used to isolate leprosy patients from society, it also included the treatment of insanity, and both groups pose a threat to society due to the difficulty of dealing with the nature of these diseases.

Arabs have always believed since pre-Islamic times that insanity may be the cause of a shortage of some food for the patient, so they try to treat it by searching for these foods and sending them to the sick, and madness is also attributed to other causes, such as demonic touch and jinn

  Among the Arabs, poetry was also associated with madness ... when the poets lived through a state of adoration and adoration, as society at the time believed that the intensity of affection and attachment to the beloved might lead to the loss of one's mind, and they called the passionate poets crazy, such as "Majnoun Laila" 

Systematic interest in treatment

The first hospital, or "Bimaristan", was established to treat mental illnesses in the era of (Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik). Its construction was also part of a comprehensive reform in life that included roads and attention to people with special needs, digging wells along caravan routes and other scientific achievements with the expansion of conquests. .

Arab medicine in the Umayyad and Abbasid eras reached a cure for insanity by various means, including interest in this category in various ways. Starting from washing the bodies of patients with water in the morning, walking and hiking and smelling natural flowers in the gardens attached to these hospitals, music was also used in treatment, and opium in various amounts was used in the treatment of insanity. medicine

It should be noted that the history of medicine for Arabs and Muslims is usually associated with psychological treatment, because it is said that many diseases and diseases are caused by psychological and spiritual defects, so psychotherapy in the early days was considered the mainstay of medicine and its main entrance to it.

As for direct mental illness, it includes mental and behavioral disorders and insanity, and results from a mental disorder called insanity, and love is also classified as a mental illness and a type of madness and mental illness. Before the Arabs knew the hospitals, they used treatment through sophistication, spells, magic, and primitive herbs for love and other madness.

From superstition to science

At the height of civilization and progress, the Arabs first distinguished between public hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and places designated for mentally ill patients, which they also knew were divided into two types: neurological illnesses only, and psychological only. These hospitals, or bimarestans, as they are called, are not only places for treatment, but also for medical education and training

Ancient Arab medicine freed the treatment of mental illnesses from beating, starvation and bashing the patient, to caring for the patient at the hands of many scholars, which is the conversion of treatment from myths and myths to purely practical and scientific aspects.

It is attributed to "Ibn Sina" that he treated a patient whom he thought was a cow, and asked his family to slaughter him, and he refused to eat and drink until they did that, and "Ibn Sina" dealt with him and went along with him by coming to him with the knife and ordered to tie him to slaughter him, and as soon as he was interested in that, he told them that this The cow is weak and must be fattened to be slaughtered

Classification and prognosis

Scholars such as Avicenna classify mental illnesses, most notably depressive feelings or melancholic moods (malinkholia), then classify various obsessions and obsessions, and have written dozens of books on depression in particular. His books cover various mental and mental illnesses and their treatment, "Ishaq bin Imran" wrote books on (Malinkhulia), and "Ibn al-Haytham" wrote about the influence of music on the soul.

 Modern behavioral

Avicenna wrote about love as a neurological disease, and he mentioned in his book “Al-Qanun” where he devoted a chapter to this topic, “This is a disease and an egotistical similar to malincholia. Lust, or did not pay him. "

And he continued to analyze this situation in detail and suggested some treatments, including sleep and attention to eating appropriate foods, and distracting himself from other matters and concerns similar to modern behavioral therapy methods.

Therapy with music and refinement of the senses

It is necessary to stop with music therapy and its great role, and the doctor among the Arabs must be glorified to play the oud, and the perfection of medicine is to be proficient in playing, as well as treatments must be included in melody and intonation. that.

 Al-Farabi had also played an important role in psychotherapy with music, and it is said that he invented the well-known law instrument in the context of searching for means more influencing the human soul and its mood, to be certain of the role of music in stirring human emotions. Again, they made them cry

The aim was to control the senses or refine them as a treatment for most mental illnesses, as the hearing was controlled through music and rhythms and on the eyes through wonderful views, picturesque nature, gardens, and taste through carefully chosen foods, and smelling through natural perfumes and flowers that entered Delight in the hearts of the madmen And they enjoy their eyes with these scenes

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