Historical Stories Of Folk Food... Egyptian Food & Strange Stories About The History Of Food

 Historical Stories Of Folk Food... Egyptian Food & Strange Stories About The History Of Food

The Egyptian people are among the most food-loving people, a gourmet people and the only one to which the saying "made Sherbet ( Sweet drink)from Al-Fasikh (Salted bacon) "It's a popular saying...we note that there are many Egyptianfood with strange names, and few of us know the origin of these names

So I decided through this article to clarify the origin of the label for some of the beautiful Egyptian dishes that we are used to as Egyptians, and in the following lines we will learn together about the origin of these foods.

"The Egyptian "Fta

It is considered a dish of the most famous Egyptian cuisine, but many of us did not imagine that  " Fta" was one of the most famous foods of the ancient Egyptians and it was 9 thousand years ago, where it was prepared using bread and broth "soup" or bread and milk

This delicious food was discovered by archaeologists, especially in the temple of the God Snowbeck, and this temple is currently located underground in the Oasis of Sinai, but the Egyptian people now invent edited and developed from the dish of The fta, which now includes toast with precision, lemon and vinegar added rice, meat and sauce.


Koushari is one of the most popular Egyptian dishes, but is it believed that al-Koushari is of Indian origin? Yes, al-Koushari came from India to Egypt during World War 1 and the Indians came with British troops and was called "Kouchari", which consisted of rice and lentils.

It is said that the traveler "Ibn Battuta" was the first to launch the word koushari in history, and that was through his book and al-Koushari means rice added to it other things, and with progress and development the koushari shops in Egypt appeared to be the most delicious dish of the people.

Green MoloKhaia

Egyptians love MoloKhaia... MoloKhaia was considered one of the meals served to the kings and was called "MoloKhaia"  (means Royal in English) because it was a healthy dish served to all kings, but in the days of the Pharaohs the MoloKhaia was called "MoloKaia" and they thought it was a poisonous plant and in the days of Hexus when they demolished the Egyptian temples they forced the Egyptians to eat it to die.

But when the Egyptians ate MoloKhaia, they found only the most delicious taste and smell in it, and it was as non-toxic as they thought.

Um Ali

Behind a dish or on a historical story, who among us remembers Sultan Ezzedine Abek, the queen's husband,   "Shagaret Addur"? Ezzedine Aibek was married to another woman and had a son called "Ali" and when the sultan died,  "Shagaret Addur" wanted to take over the rule, but Ali's mother killed her, disposed of her and put her son on the throne.

For this happy occasion she decided to work sweetly and it was invented, which consisted of flour, sugar, ghee and nuts and this sweet was known as "Um Ali", which has existed to this day.


Kunafa is one of the most famous sweets in Egypt, but the name "Kunafa" derives from the word "chennafa" in the Shreksi language, and the chinafa or kunafa was the favorite food in the meal of Suhoor for the caliph "Maaouiya ibn Abi Sofian".

The name of Chenafa is divided into two parts, the first "Chenna" i.e. the balbal and the second "roll" color, and today appeared different types of kunafa with the development and technological progress wonderful, the kunafa appeared with cream and kunafa mango and fruits ... And so on.


Qataif is one of the famous foods of Egypt and the Arab countries, where We used to appear qataif dish during the  holy month of Ramadan only, 

and it is said that in the Fatimid era a master chef in the manufacture of sweets did something like a pie stuffed with nuts and won the admiration of everyone to the extent that they picked it from each other That's why it's called qataif.

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