Responding to logical atheistic fallacies... Where's my mind? Part 2


Responding to logical atheistic fallacies... Where's my mind? The second part. Responding to logical atheistic fallacies... Where's my mind? The second part.     We complete the second part of the article directly.

Responding to logical atheistic fallacies... Where's my mind? The second part.
Responding to logical atheistic fallacies... Where's my mind? The second part.

We complete the second part of the article directly. 

When you close all the doors and arguments that he considers. The atheist is logical, suspicions and fraud and his use of logical fallacies and based on his hypothesis on the fallacy of the straw man ..... Then. He resorts to naïve questions. Which, you know, is that. His argument is nullified in the first place. 

He asked, "Why have he been down in 23 years and why hasn't he come down once?"  (As if that makes a difference with him)

Answer this question:

The only intellectual, linguistic and stylistic quran for 23 years in itself is a miracle, and the way it goes down during this period... It was a upbringing for the Muslim community as this experience of the interaction of heaven with human beings, recorded by the Holy Quran, remains a practical model from which Muslims learn until the day of resurrection, but let me tell you dear reader that the atheist will not give a damn. For all that it will show you that he will not hear, and in fact this question is not for the purpose of knowledge, research. 

It's a sly polish that leads you to the idea that 

The Prophet Muhammad. He is from the Qur'an, so his shadow is composed of him for 23 years..... He deplored the response we mentioned earlier, and he must ask about this. A clear and simple question.

If they assume that Muhammad is one of the thousands of Qurans..... The question here? 

Why is the Language of The Quran different from the language of hadith? Isn't he the author himself ? Or what؟


Believe me he won't be able to answer you, and he will try... Showing the indifference, indifference, and lack of conviction despite the logical response that no sane person denies. 

He quickly calls for another likeness to cover his insults, jump to another quickly, and ask the common question about the laws of marriage in the marriage. 

Or the famous sentence. 

They are: because Muhammad (pbuh) is one of the thousands of Qur'ans, so he wrote in it that he has the right to marry as he likes... That is, to marry four women. 

Dear mind plaintiff, research and learning.... Your question is that it is indicative of your deep ignorance and that your claim to culture and the study of prayer is false, and this in itself proves you to be lying. 

Didn't you know, atheist, that before Islam, and throughout history, no specific number of wives has been specified, since the subject of marriage was old. Open in number and unspecified. .... Meaning that any man can marry more than ten women at a time.... He has that. 

Only Islam has determined and codified the number of wives... And did not let it open as before, and if you tired yourself a little and searched the history a little you will find that this topic was darj and widespread over the previous centuries was available to any man to take from the wives as many as he wants.... But if you read in the historical and sacred books as well. 

You'll find that most of the prophets themselves have taken a large number of wives.... It's weird.... If Muhammad is one of the 1,000 Qurans... Why would he make a law like this? And who legalizes his marriage. It deprives him of achieving something that was first available to him and there is no need for this..... Why only four wives? 

Didn't you ask yourself that he wasted a lot of opportunities on himself? It means if he can marry 10 women or 20 or as he pleases. No one's going to hold him accountable. Or any man will be held accountable then... It is this Qur'an that is composed as it is called your presence.... So why doesn't he write in it what he likes?

It is even surprising that he was spreading his call and trying to attract people to Islam... What is this law that it is putting in place and that people may be alienated from... Why doesn't he make fun rules that allow people everything that's good and good? Why would he deprive them of something that was normal for them?

It was his first to put what attracts people to Islam and does not alienate them from it... Isn't that more rational and logical? .... So why would he support such laws? Or at least he was allowing himself the law he liked or the number of wives he liked, and it forbids it for others... So I don't give you a chance... I would like to warn you that the verses of marriage were defined when they came down.

The Prophet was already married to his wives, but God ordered him. By limiting this number, not taking other wives, not replacing his wives, or even releasing them... So why all these rules that are so tired of someone who wrote his own book? 

Another question I would like to add and answer...

What is the motive that makes a person claim this prayer, endure this torture, persecution, economic blockade, displacement for many years, and who follows him? 

And i wonder what gave him hope and vision for the future

That other tribes will accept Islam..... Although the Prophet (PBUH) was so displeased in Mecca that he was calling the neighboring tribes to Islam... Rather, it is full of the spread of Islam in the world, the conquest of Persia, and the Romans. 

Not only did he aspire to spread it in Mecca, or expect it to spread in Mecca.... It makes sense dear reader that anyone who claims such allegations, i.e. that he lies at first has limited ambitions and objectives, and being lying, he cannot bear and continue with the existence of such persecution and torture, and it is natural to despair and abandon his message, and leave it. 

If he's seeking financial gain. His fame, money. Or women as some have claimed, but with all this he has completed his message.... What benefited me from all this if its goal was based on lies?

How did the Prophet expect his message to spread? ... There was no logical evidence of his success in inviting people to Islam and its spread, and all the circumstances surrounding it say so. 

Is it normal for him to continue under this agony if he seeks financial gains?

Let's separate it and explain it from the beginning. 

First, anyone who lies. To reach this, he will despair of the existence of this persecution, torture and siege, will not continue, yet the Prophet (pbuh) was the honorable descent in his people, and he is known for his honesty and honesty, and when he grew up he became a trade. This is the first claim to get his fame or the proportions of money. 

The prophet's uncles were masters of his tribe. They were the ones who supervised the Kaaba at the time, and it was in a high position. 

And his uncle Abu Talib loved him very much, and his uncles all 

The people of his tribe called him the honest and honest, and they left his things to his trust in his honesty and morals, and he was known for his origin and pedigree. I will not prolong this on you in the books of biography and history exist for those who want to seek the truth. 

He added that the Prophet was married to the richest woman of his tribe, Mrs. Khadija, may God bless her and her land, which she asked him to marry. 

For his good manners, good reputation and knowledge of commerce. 

He was the one who traded her with his trade to trust her in it.... What's the motive if he has it all, everything's available to him. 

As for the women, he is indeed the Prophet and salam was married before the revelation came to him. It is no secret that no one is known. The women and prostitution in his tribe were very widespread and very small for anyone who wants, and someone with such manners and honesty, and who has the place, descent and money is not difficult to reach women... Yes, the Prophet was himself not one of the richest. But he had enough. 

What is your argument after this clarification... No one can deny these facts, which are recognized only by every ungrateful. We explained why Muhammad does not need to seek fame or money or women... What was his motive? In the prophet's claim, however, he was indeed inspired by Allah and that he was the messenger of god, the ring of the prophets. 

In the end, the atheist did not find that he resorted to the Qur'an and disregarded the words of the Qur'an and the information, and the scientific references in it using the same fallacy (the man of straw) by claiming that I am the words of the Qur'an is normal and there is no miracle in it completely ignored that (others were the most smarter). 

The Arabs themselves were unable to deny the words of the Qur'an, and its eloquence, which is the people of the language, even the poets of Quraysh could not deny it, and challenged it after their bankruptcy, they had no choice but to accuse the Qur'an of magical words, not in the words of human beings. Who are you to underestimate?

And to call this claim on the Qur'an, you are not welcome to the Ghazola speaking authentic Arabic while the Arab tribe was talking it and mastering its details, and yet they knew the distinction and difference of the Qur'an and its eloquence, and its rules, but they knew how beautiful it was and it was clear to them in the Qur'an and they themselves could not deny it. 

And here I like to add you advice and not a question? 

You know first. And understand a little and you have to start learning Arabic by its rules, origins, eloquence and rich meanings, then come and talk about the language miracles in the Quran......

And judge him and do not forget that studying the language and Arabic language in particular is an existing science, and the scholars did not learn it in days but years, and they may get varying degrees of science in which science is different.

This alone is proof that you are unable to understand even the meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran, and of course it is not the only reason. 

Who reads the Book of Emma, unlike even the Holy Quran itself? He doesn't try to understand him, he doesn't try to manage it. This is the case coming out broke..... Because you looked at him from afar and made you and the Quran a wall of negative bias, attacking him in principle and a totally unfair criticism, so you ignore all this and get it behind your back, and if you're already looking. 

About logic and answers... I'd let your bias and your attack go. 

 Aside..... He discussed the Qur'an and Islam with all its neutrality. And an open heart and mind. No prejudice and attack, and absolutely will reach the right. 

If you claim science and research and don't trust anything other than science... We made it clear in the previous article that science itself uses logical inferences and mental conclusions that prove its argument. 

But even absolute confidence in science never denies the existence of a Creator.... Science is a way to study the universe around you and come up with facts that already exist, and the difference is that we have not discovered them in the past, researched them and invented things that benefit us within the limits of the laws given to this planet. Or pre-universe?

Don't throw everything at science because in the end it's based on experience and logical inferences and can't create anything? ... So try to reach with your knowledge to create any living creature. The smallest creatures choose them and create them if you can.... I challenge you to learn how to create a living being? 

Even the science itself has not reached this level and will not reach because it is the only characteristic of the Creator... Science, sane, is part of this planet... Part of the knowledge of creation, and this does not deny its benefit at all, but confirms the existence of the Creator... Which ordered us to learn and research.

Don't waste all in the parts, and don't generalize the part to all, it's another logical fallacy.... In the end, so as not to prolong you, I invite you, dear atheist, before you rule and attack if your goal is really to find the truth and get to the truth and you have no interests or personal agendas. 

Search honestly, compare religions honestly, investigate your mind and heart, and make them open to learning...... And you're definitely going to get to the truth, but if you're an atheist, you claim it for any personal purpose or spread a certain idea. 

I will address you with what is befitting of you.... You are the one who claims that you are made of material, how can you argue with those who believe that God created him, his generosity and his wisdom from other creatures?...... We believe and believe in it and do not want to argue about the evolution of a body or animal that is equal to all the elements of nature. 

We, thank God, have an open and conscious mind, will be free, and God has distinguished us, and we have preferred that we are his best creatures and we deal on this basis, if you simply give up this. Please don't pretend to have a mind, no science, or logic. And maybe you're not really there.... Maybe you're delusional.  

In the end, whether you're a substance or a sophisticated animal. Although evolution does not deny the fact that there is a creator of it, surely there is a truth that we all agree on, which is our end.... one end and inevitable, and it's inevitable. 

Just look for this day. 

For this day that determines the fate of all beings. There's no chance after him. 

I thank everyone who completed this article and used his proper mind to think, and credited the intellectuals and sources... That helped me. In this article a lot. I cannot mention all the names, but I ask God to reward them well with what they have sought, workhard and search.

To understand the whole topic of the article from the beginning I advise you to read the first part of the article  

I'll leave you the link here

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