Where's my mind? ... Do I really have a mind.... Research into an atheist's mind and confront fraud.


Try to find the mind of an atheist... And countering misinformation.

At first this article is a little different from the content of the site but. Given the spread of these lies and misinformation to the simple. I had to clarify some points and respond to them and try to remove the distortion and wear falsehood as far as I could, of course... he is helped by scientific facts and logical historical analysis and the opinions of some intellectual researchers 

I do not deny that credit to them after Allah Almighty... Besides historical facts and some humble science on my part ... I want to do that, the face of God, and try to educate the simple young people. To save one of my sons from the danger of this thought in the future... And have a door of heaven 

The atheist always wonders about the existence of the Creator and how to prove his existence.... Unfortunately we always find the atheist, especially the Arab atheist, enjoying a high percentage of vanity in asking even questions using sarcasm just because he is trying to spread his idea among people no more and try to codify it more than trying to learn and look for logical questions that guide him and convince him of the existence of the Creator.

Hence his attempts to use logical fallacies, the most famous of which is the one of the straw man.... Most of you have heard this sentence and some may not have heard it and to clarify... The straw man's fallacy is to make something false or not based on health and put her logical questions out for logical inferences, but the basis of the story was fundamentally false, but you're trying to formulate logical questions for her.


 Imagine that you are telling a known story or scientific fact, but you enter into it some falsehood or distort it or even tell it from the original in an unreal way and build on it logical questions and analyze it with logic to come up with a sound mental result. And here's the fallacy of the straw man. I hope you made the idea clear...

This is what the atheist uses to justify his analysis exactly, even if we notice in recent times, especially with the spread of social media, events and ideas have become visible and heard of people... We note that the atheist is absolutely committed to his attack on Islam. And when he noticed that things got a little out of control, and he started to show their bias in attacking Islam in particular

.. The other begins in some diversification and a little transition from Islam to another religion so as not to explain to his followers that it is a deliberate personal bias or the goal of a particular party and tries to claim that his problem is not with Islam in particular but with the word religion in general, or trying to claim that Islam is the most violent and unjust. And... Etc 

You may have noticed this...... Come on, man, or your radioactive or non-radioactive chemical element... I actually looked at other religions and studied them or even studied Islam itself. And I found this in it, or just in it. 

The truth is, it's clear from your claims as an uncreated human being called science. You have been taken from the Qur'an and the Sunnah only to support your argument and for more support you deliberately or ignorantly (I doubt) to get the text or a verses out of context... It also ignored the before and after that supports or explains the context. Not to mention the explanation in a way that is not without twisting and turning, taking advantage of the ignorance of the follower and their lack of research and study, and their dependence only on the inheritance of religion, name and superficial crusts to understand them...

Hence the atheist begins to draw a caricature of Islam and begins to use that image as an absolute truth taken for granted and begins to ridicule and minimize this so-called image and from here pulls with him the follower who acknowledged the validity of the image (the story) in criticism and ridicule this is (the fallacy of the straw man)...... That is used by anyone who wants to mislead or exploit the other.  

Let us present you with the most well-known atheist questions, which for them are ill-prepared and have no logical response. Knowing that these questions have been answered from a thousand years ago first from the Book of Allah, the Holy Quran, because, thank God, Allah has not left us a question or likeness that comes to our mind, except that he answered it and understood it for us. He is the one who created us and knows our human nature, but most of them do not know...

Question 1:

Q : How can I believe in a creator or go that I have not seen with my own eyes and heard with my ear?   

A : Simply trying to flatten and marginalize a very long history of human experience and the prophets continue with heaven... He denies and ignores a long history of prophets, apostles and heavenly books, including messengers whom Allah almighty has already talked to. Trying to show this human history. 

It is irrational and illogical while his talk is free of reason and logic and far from the mind ... His thinking is just material. Let us clarify the scientifically agreed method and no one denies it even the atheist himself... So he doesn't use his mind ...

First, the function of the mind. 

The basic function of the mind is to deduce ... Conclusion conclusion ... And I repeat it a lot until we take it into account a thousand times. The function of the mind is to conclude that the mind is not materialist, so ignorance is to say that the mind sees what we see or hears what we hear or feelwhat we feel, it is not a physical sense as the eye, for example, which cannot convince it that it has something in front of it that did not exist... And the ear didn't hear anything if there wasn't. 

But the mind has a completely different function which is to understand the things that your physical senses are aware of and analyze them and draw from them what your senses can't understand, and the mind deals on the basis of this logical conclusion 

Indeed, natural sciences work with the same logic as the physical guide... Mental analysis... Conclusion..... For example, if we talk about quantum physics ... Quantum physics achieves the existence of something by following its effect like subatomic atomic particles.

The conviction that there is something we do not recognize in our senses, but there is logical evidence of its existence and dealing on this basis... It's the right use of the mind. To use your mind that way. You're using it perfectly correctly.

These sciences are not denied by anyone, not even the atheist or non-religious one who claims to be a believer in science and nothing but science... We need to differentiate between the process of perception of the senses, which cannot be satisfied alone. Between the perception of the senses as a means and then the use of logical analysis of those things that we realized in the senses to reach in the end to the results beyond what our senses realize and deal on this basis . 

We repeat... This logic cannot be used and relied upon and, with the same logic, we deny the idea of inferring what our senses are aware of and not believing in, just because our eyes do not see it or our ear does not hear it. Because it's simply a contradiction and a double standard.

Faith is the same thing... To believe in something that the senses don't realize, but what the senses realize is that it exists.

As for the logical observations on which believers are built by the existence of the Creator, their faith is not a brief subject and is not absorbed by a single article, but we can explain it with one thing at least.

Dear reader, imagine that there is a medium-sized planet on which objects live, which are not in the billions and cannot be harvested. By chance, all these organisms, with different natures, are given one system where they need food. Growth.... Reproduction... And they all die.

This planet has all its natural conditions ready for the livelihood of this number of beings and this planet is equipped with a system called ecological balance ... If this balance is broken, the whole life will be disrupted and may end completely...

The strange thing is that this planet is governed by non-random physical laws that can be formulated in mathematical equations that scientists prove every day and enable them to invents that benefit this planet based on these laws, and there is no object of this planet claimed to be made, arranged its system or the laws of these rules on it ... And the question here 

Can you prove that this planet, with all its laws, regulations and beings, was created randomly or arranged by chance!? And you atheist, you will not convince that all this is a random act and that there is no one will bigger than all these assets arranged all this ...

This is a logical hypothesis that imposed itself on our minds and ignored it in itself an insult and denial of our minds not satisfied by the mind but this atheist claimed science and rationality satisfied himself simply and wants us to believe in it and present his idea as true 

He simply ignores all this and thinks he's not interested and doesn't mean it in the first place. Ignore it and deliberately marginalize it..... He really can't deny it if he really believes in his mind.... All of this is attributed to the absence of a creator or a stronger being than him...

The atheist reaches his next question: 

Q : If we assume that it is the God who created the whole universe and did all this... Who created God?

A: In principle, this is a minor child's thinking... Not everyone has to exist before him, because in this way there must be an endless series of assets and this is also logically impossible. We already exist. Just imagine this series already ending if we assume that there is a Creator of the Creator, the Creator of the Creator and the Creator of the Creator... Etc

You must reach the starting point, the first creator who was created for the first time. You're going to get the mind to this beginning.

For example " Imagine that you are an employee of a company and your manager instructed you to finish a certain task it is natural that this manager has a higher authority than him also has tasks to be accomplished by the owner of the company presumably . The owner of the company also has a higher authority than him as a government entity or an institution ...

This series must end at some point and the order issued by the highest authority can never continue the series indefinitely or this work will not be done in the first place ... This is a very clear conclusion ... It needs to be recognized. Because the nature of existence is divided into the assets and duty of existence that created everything. 

And if we assume there's a long chain. And every Creator has a creator... This never denies that you are still created by a creator. This question itself is an empty opalate and does not prove anything of your claim.

Question 3:

Q : How do you know this information about the Creator? (Trying to use the same fallacy as a straw man)

A: Portraying Muslims as using the fallacy of the circle inference... I mean we go around the same circle to try to prove the existence of the Creator for them... And these questions.

: Like at the time

Atheist : How did you confirm the existence of a god?

Muslim : This is what Allah told us in his book?

Atheist : How did you know that this is a book from God?

Muslim: The Prophet told us that this book is from Allah? 

Atheist: How did you know that he was a Prophet?

Muslim: The Book of Allah told us that he is a Prophet and must be obeyed?

Atheist: How did you confirm his authenticity?

.... .....to repeat and repeat the sam questions and answers 

Unfortunately, a very sterile and naïve dialogue. It is simply the utmost cynicism and superficialness to present the truth of the Creator, who has already told us that he did not create a vain creation without communicating with his creation through the prophets and apostles who sent them with commandments of creation to follow through time and space throughout history. He is trying to present the question that muslims are the ones who invented the existence of the Creator, that there is no Prophet other than Muhammad(pbuh) and that there is no evidence of his sincerity other than the Qur'an's claim to it.

And he completely ignored that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

He lived among his people who testified to him with honesty and honesty and based on this they followed him and even those who returned him and disagreed with his message they could not accuse him of lying... They accused him of insanity and witchcraft. But they did not accuse him of lying because they are witnesses to his sincerity and honesty from the beginning...

There are positions of the Prophet Muhammad in that I could not have a single article to tell. It is found in the books of biography and hadith and is also documented with the correct support.... Who are you or me to deny the history of what one of the dissonants disagreed with and misled and misled him from the aphorisms, but no one could deny it.

There is still a complement to this article but I will follow it with another article immediately after to complete the evidence God willing wait the second part of the article a few  hours later God willing and I will put the link here as soon as it is finished

I apologize for the lack of professionalism in translation or literal translation but I hope that the idea is clear from the context of the article 

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